Celebrate Thanksgiving with friends over a traditional meal in the Sayre School Buttery on Saturday, November 23 at 3 PM. All are welcome.
Those wishing to volunteer may now sign up on the required registration form at this link. The first 50 volunteers will be accepted. Please review the following:
? You must be 11 years old to volunteer.
? Volunteers must arrive at 1:45 PM.
? We need volunteers to stay until clean-up is complete.
? There is no seating available for our volunteers.
? Leave your purses and coats in the trunk of your car.
? Each person must fill out a Volunteer Registration Form, even if with a group.
? We ask that each volunteer donate $5 to help support the Lighthouse Ministries.
If you feel led to help pay for the Thanksgiving meal, please donate online, or email Stephanie with questions.